Worst Storm in 100 Years

Maybe God is trying to tell our Nation Something…  I’ve heard people talk like electing Romney is our nation’s way of “turning back to God”.
Personally, I don’t think so — even though I would rather be wrong…

When I read the Bible, I see a pattern in how God treats nations.  
When the both the northern kingdom of Israel and then the southern kingdom of Judah turned their back on God, the same pattern revealed itself each time:
1) first the people turned their back on God and sought after other “gods”
2) God abandons the nation to allow them to engage in their wickedness to the fullest extent, so that it is obvious they deserve judgement 
3) then the people came under the rule of wicked leaders
4) then they were attacked by a foreign invader
5) then they were overthrown and their wealth and property went to foreigners  
6) those that survived were forced to live in a pagan nation under a pagan government
We only now waking up to the realize just how far along we are in the process.
Our nation has been in the process of turning its back on God for the last 100 years.  The rejection of God was popularized and formalized back in the 1960s and has continued growing.  What we are seeing now are just “tip of the iceberg” symptoms of a larger problem of the heart.
We chastise the democrats for removing God from their platform, and then putting it back under protest from the majority of their delegates.  However, has anyone thought about how God views the republican party and the way that it overrode and rewrote its own rules in order to block true Christians such as Bachman and Paul in preference of a mormon and catholic?
The fact of the matter is that we are already well into steps 5 through 6 in the process.  Our wealth and property is being stolen by international opportunists.  Our children are being sold into debt slavery to foreign nations.  
Those who live in a pagan nation should only expect to have pagan leadership.
So why should we be upset when the choice left to us is which pagan leader do we vote for?

They themselves will be enslaved by many nations and great kings; I will repay them according to their deeds and the work of their hands – Jeremiah 25:14

Strangers devour your land in your presence; And it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers. – Isaiah 1:7

Worst Storm in 100 Years Seen for Northeast U.S.


Obama fundraiser in Miami shut down after power knocked out by Hurricane Sandy


AccuWeather.com Election Coverage: Sandy May Pose Threat to East Coast Voters

AccuWeather.com Election Coverage: Sandy May Pose Threat to East Coast Voters

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2012/10/obama-fundraiser-in-miami-shut-down-after-power-knocked-out-by-hurricane-sandy.html#storylink=cpy

Maybe God is trying to tell our Nation Something… I’ve heard people talk like electing Romney is our nation’s way of turning back to God. Personally, I don’t think so. When I read the Bible, I see a pattern in how God treats nations.
When the both the northern kingdom of Israel and then the southern kingdom of Judah turned their back on God, the same pattern revealed itself each time:
1) first the people turned their back on God and sought after other Gods
2) then they came under the rule of wicked leaders
3) then they were attacked by a foreign invader
4) then they were overthrown and their wealth and property went to foreigners
5) those that survived were forced to live in a pagan nation under a pagan government
We only now waking up to the realize just how far along we are in the process.
Our nation has been in the process of turning its back on God for the last 100 years. The rejection of God was popularized and formalized back in the 1960s and has continued growing. What we are seeing now are just “top of the iceberg” symptoms of a larger problem of the heart. We chastise the democrats for removing God from their platform, and then putting it back under protest from the majority of their delegates. However, has anyone thought about how God views the republican party and the way that it overrode and rewrote its own rules in order to block true Christians such as Bachman and Paul in preference of a mormon and catholic?
The fact of the matter is that we are already well into steps 4 and 5 in the process. Our wealth and property is being stolen by international opportunists. Our children are being sold into debt slavery to foreign nations.
Those who live in a pagan nation should only expect to have pagan leadership.
So why should we be upset when the choice left to us is which pagan leader do we vote for?

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