Filled with and Immersed in the Holy Spirit

Salvation precedes being filled with and immersed in the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit convicts an unbeliever to bring them to salvation in Messiah (John 16:8-11)

After salvation, the Holy Spirit works in the believer through the process of sanctification, crucifying the flesh daily and “Walking in the Spirit”

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.  Galatians 5:16

Additionally a person can seek to be immersed in and filled with the Holy Spirit.

On the Day of Pentecost, Luke makes it clear that this gathering of 120 are all “brothers”  or “disciples”. They had already put their trust in the resurrected Christ and were obeying His command to receive the Holy Spirit’s power (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:5,8).

Peter and John prayed for the believing Samaritans to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14-18).

Saul is converted to Paul. Later, Ananias lays hands on him and prays for him to receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:17).

In the Gentile Pentecost account of Acts 10, Luke portrays the Italian military officer Cornelius and his household as devout, God-fearing, giving, and consistently prayerful. Peter affirms the salvation of Cornelius and his Gentile friends in the opening statement of his sermon (verses 34,35). In fact, Cornelius’ Spirit baptism was an obvious indicator to Peter and his Joppan travelmates that this group had been saved previously (verses 47,48).

The Ephesian Pentecost of Acts 19 is full of indicators that Spirit baptism was separate from salvation/regeneration and occurring afterward.  The previous chapter describes Apollo’s credentials: “mighty in the scriptures,” “instructed in the way of the Lord,” “fervent in spirit,” “teaching accurately the things concerning Jesus.” Even Priscilla and Aquila helped complete his theology. The final word mentioned about him is that he could demonstrate by the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ. No wonder Acts 19:2 calls his Ephesian converts “disciples.” These are the very disciples to whom Paul ministers Spirit baptism.

Peter reveals a separate and afterward theology in his Pentecost sermon (Acts 2:38,39).  Jesus Himself makes this promise only to believers/disciples in Luke 24 and Acts 1, not those who need to be regenerated.

Keep on pursuing love, and keep on desiring spiritual gifts, especially the ability to prophesy. 1 Cor 14:1

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we have power to be witnesses and carry out the will of the The Father

The Holy Spirit:
– convicts us unto righteousness
– is our Comforter
– leads us into truth
– aligns our steps
– brings to our remembrance God’s Word
– helps us to discern truth (truth is spiritually discerned)
– generates the fruits of the Spirit in us
– equips us with spiritual armor and weapons
– uses our natural talents and blesses the works of our hands
– gives us spiritual gifts as He wills
– equips us to fulfill ministerial roles and functions

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