Gifts of the Holy Spirit 2 of 2

Who benefits from the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

They are for the edification of the church (1Cor 12:17; 14:12)

All too often we think that the “gift” is given to us so we can use it. You can know this is wrong by where the “focus” lies. The focus is on the self.

Love focuses on others.

Really it is the Holy Spirit using us to manifest His blessing on someone else.

For example, a “gift” of healing is a benefit to the person who is sick, not the willing vessel through whom the Holy Spirit ministered healing.

We are motivated to be willing vessels through love.

I do not find anywhere in the Bible where we are supposed to be spending ANY TIME “finding” our gifts…

All I find in the Bible is that we are to love God, and love one another, and by that love we are willing to be used by God as He purposes…

So while it is important that we are aware of the gifts and even desire their manifestation, we do not need to spend any time hung up on figuring out which gift we have. Instead, we can spend our time in God’s word and being willing vessels to be used by God has He wills.

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