Quotations of the New Testament by Early Church Leaders

Even if all the manuscripts were destroyed, the New Testament text could be reproduced almost entirely from quotations of it in the writings of the early Church leaders. To date, over a million quotations from the New Testament by leaders of the early Church have been cataloged.

Author (Date) Gospels Acts PaulineEpistles GeneralEpistles Revelation Totals
Justin Martyr (100–165) 268 10 43 6 3 330
Irenaeus (c.125-202) 1,038 194 499 23 65 1,819
Clement (150-215) 1,107 44 1,127 207 11 2,406
Origen (185-254) 9,231 349 7,778 399 165 17,992
Tertullian (160-220) 3,822 502 2,609 120 205 7,258
Hippolytus (170-236) 734 42 387 27 188 1,378
Eusebius (263-339) 3,258 211 1,592 88 27 5,176

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